
The submission of a manuscript implies that the paper is not being considered for publication elsewhere, and acceptance of a paper for publication in Analysis and Applications implies that the author has transferred the copyright to SEMAR GROUPS.

The manuscript, including full addresses, and e-mail addresses of the authors, the abstract, keywords (less than 10 words), running head (less than 50 characters), references, tables, figure captions and figures, must be typed clearly with double-spacing and ample margins. must accompany each submitted article.

Each section and each page should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Notation should be legible, compact, and conform to current practice. Each symbol must be clear and superscripts and subscripts must be properly aligned. Footnotes should be indicated in the text with superscript letters: a, b, c, etc. Headings, such as Proposition, Theorem, Proof, and Lemma, should be in boldface, and the statements of theorems, lemmas, and corollaries should be in Italics.

References can be cited in the text either by author(s) and number, e.g., Amundsen and Benney , or simply by number, References should be listed after the text in alphabetical order by the first author's names and numbered. Use standard abbreviations for journal titles. G. Ramesh Chowdary, Estimation of MIMO Channel Response for OFDM System with I/Q Imbalance and CFO, IJATIR.

Figures should be numbered in arabic numerals in the order of appearance in the text. Every figure must have a caption. Tables should be numbered with arabic numerals in the order of appearance. Every table must have a caption, which should be typed above the table. Every submitted paper will be acknowledged and refereed by two referees. Accepted manuscripts must be submitted in electronic form. Authors of accepted papers will be contacted by the Editors-in-Chief about sending an electronic version of their manuscript.

Paper Submission
Submission Open for 2021
Last Date of Submission :
20th, October-2021
Acceptance Notification :

After Peer Review

Last Date of Publication :
30th, October-2021
Impact Factor :4.106
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